Aims of the work:
An opportunity to role reverse for creative teams, to help get them into the mindset of what it felt like to be contributing more fully to the understanding and contributions to business issues.
The course was designed to build greater empathy and awarness by the creatives of the business pressures the planners and client relationship teams face.
Interactions with the organisation:
Trade Secrets worked closely with Jon Leach (Head of strategy at HHCL & Partners) to build a fictitious airline business owned by a Rupert Murdoch style billionaire and to help run a simulation which involved the delegates pitching (and learning through the process) to the Billionaire for part ownership of the business. In our narrative the Billionaire was on his way out without any heirs.
The simulation ran over a course of eight weeks comprising two evening sessions at the start of the course, two hours a week playing the game and then an all day session including presentations to close the simulation.
Results and impact:
The work was designed to be fun, engaging and insightful to play. The dlemet the original objectives and galvanised individuals to be better visionaries when communicating with their clients.